“Adventure of Humanity” stands as a non-profit organization, its roots traced back to 1999 when it was established by the iconic Michael Jackson. In a remarkable act of philanthropy, he graced two charity concerts, In Munich and Seoul, Korea, channeling their profits towards the noble causes of the Nelson Mandela’s Children Fund, UNESCO and the Red Cross. Today, “Adventure of Humanity” proudly carries the endorsement of esteemed figures such as the late Family of Michael Jackson, Royal House of Mandela, Tara Gandhi, and the revered oracle, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.
At the helm of this organization is President Richard Nilsson, who ardently carries forward the legacies and steadfastly pursues the noble missions of world peace, humanitarianism, and sustainability. With this rich heritage and unwavering commitment, “Adventure of Humanity” continues its vital work in bringing positive change to the world.
After 15 years since Michael Jackson decided to lend his support to Nelson Mandela and the Nelson Mandela’s Children Fund, the two families came together once again, now united under the banner of Adventure of Humanity, led by President Richard Nilsson. This remarkable reunion took place on May 23, 2014, during the world’s third-largest media event. The red carpet was graced by the presence of iconic figures: Joe Jackson, the father, promoter, and driving force behind the Jackson Five; Michael Jackson; Janet Jackson; Latoya Jackson; and many others. They were joined by Chief Zwelivelilo “Mandla” Mandela, the grandson of the legendary Nelson Mandela, Shawn Andrews, associated with the Estate of Michael Jackson, Nicole Slack Jones, the granddaughter of Fats Domino, and Adventure of Humanity’s President, Richard Nilsson.
Later in the evening, a splendid Gala for World Peace was held at Villa Oxygene. During this event, Joe Jackson and Mandla Mandela were honored for their lifetime achievements in service to humanity. Adventure of Humanity had the distinct privilege of presenting them with the prestigious award for their outstanding contributions.
Shawn Andrews, a businessman associated with the Estate of Michael Jackson and with long-term businesses with the family.
© 2014 Alberto Pizzoli/AFP via Getty Images
On May 24, 2017, Richard Nilsson, the President of Adventure of Humanity, continued his efforts to rally global humanitarian leaders in the pursuit of world peace. The red carpet event featured esteemed guests, including Dieter Wiesner, Michael Jackson’s former manager during the History Tour, Jermain Jackson, the brother of Michael Jackson and one of the lead singers of the iconic Jackson Five, and Lama Jampa, representing the Buddhist community from India and Nepal. Lama Jampa also had strong connections with the Chief State Oracle of Tibet.
Earlier that same day, Jermain Jackson left his handprints in bronze, contributing an important element to the Great Wall of Peace. During the Gala Dinner held at the legendary Villa Oxygene, Jermaine Jackson paid tribute to his beloved brother Michael by performing the song “Smile.”
Dieter Wiesner, a German businessman, and former manager of Michael Jackson, played a crucial role in Michael Jackson’s career. He served as Michael Jackson’s personal manager from 2002 until 2012 and shared a close friendship with the music icon.
© 2017 Getty Images
On May 16, 2018, Richard Nilsson, the President of Adventure of Humanity, brought Latoya Jackson into the spotlight to infuse an extra spark into the world’s third-most media-covered event. The Jackson family’s unwavering commitment to humanity, addressing climate challenges, and advocating for world peace remained steadfast. Their longstanding support for humanitarian causes, combined with the collaboration of other global humanitarian leaders, solidified Adventure of Humanity’s position as one of the world’s most influential and independent humanitarian organizations.
The traditional World Peace Night was held at the renowned Villa Oxygene, where Latoya Jackson left her enduring mark by imprinting her handprints in bronze, becoming an essential part of the Great Wall of Peace.
La Toya Yvonne Jackson, born on May 29, 1956, is a distinguished American singer and television personality. She holds the position of the fifth child and middle daughter within the Jackson family. La Toya first garnered recognition through her appearances on the family’s variety television series, “The Jacksons,” which aired on CBS between 1976 and 1977. Subsequently, she achieved success as a solo recording artist, collaborating with multiple record labels throughout the 1980s and 1990s, including Polydor, Sony Music, and RCA. Over a span of 15 years, she released nine studio albums. Notably, her self-titled debut album in 1980 and the 1984 single “Heart Don’t Lie” marked her most successful releases in the United States.
© 2018 Photo by Foc Kan/Film Magic via Getty Images
Address: Villa Oxygene
137 Av. des Cactus
06220 Vallauris, France