Adventure of Humanity is one of the leading independent intelligence organizations who actively aim to preventing and resolve conflicts by building bridges and peace alliances through informal dialogue, negotiation and meditation around the world.
Adventure of Humanity aim to actively and publicly through civil society promote Love, Peace, Unity, Equality, Friendship and Happiness between all mankind.
At Adventure of Humanity, our commitment to global peace extends far beyond words—it’s a mission we actively pursue through “Nation to Nation.” This initiative places us at the forefront of peacekeeping efforts, dedicated to fostering understanding and friendship among world leaders. Our journey takes us across the globe as we engage with leaders, engage in meaningful dialogues, and collaborate on strategies to address conflicts and promote harmony worldwide.
Adventure of Humanity actively supports the humanity through education and aid. One of our main missions is about equal rights. When we are talking about equality it means equal rights between men and women, equal rights between children, equal rights no matter of the colour of the skin or religious beliefs. Equal human rights include all colours.
Adventure of Humanity actively support education centres and schools for disadvantage young children to learn to read and write worldwide. Adventure of Humanity aim to change the lives of 100.000 of children every year. It’s very important to enter the children’s life at an early age in order to avoid child abuse like trafficking and child labour.
Adventure of Humanity providing aid in form of food, shelter and medication. The fundraisings are made mainly through music and sports. Adventure of Humanity is grateful to all those celebrities who choose to lend their support in order to raise the funds needed. We do believe Music, Sports and Education can change the World.
Adventure of Humanity is taking place in the change of a sustainable future through education, cutting edge technologies and research.
“To operate a “dirty” business must be out of fashion and humanity must enter the balance sheet of the corporate books. If people do not understand the connection between all living and nature, we will most likely not make it.”
– Richard Nilsson
President of the Adventure of Humanity
Adventure of Humanity aims to support with its extensive network of likeminded power experts, corporations and next-generation world citizens in order to make the change.
We need a substantial change to make a sustainable world for our children and for humanity as a hole. – and we need it NOW.
Address: Villa Oxygene
137 Av. des Cactus
06220 Vallauris, France